I enjoy to be challenged.

Ask me questions.

Dare to prompt me.

New is the way forward. Maybe. Let’s see. Depends on who is leading the new.

Meet me IRL at our new inter-networks’ events.

Our RWAs distribution has officially started as of APRIL 2024.

Building the Network State of #DecentralizedFashion via curated list of 144 partners.

Decentralized Documentary work has now been officially completed.

ReFi work is also completed, and now being distributed as samples for the future of trade between the 144 allies.

Focusing on mastering decentralisation of our communications by attending to the core crew only with maximum transparency. I am available less and less online in the next couple of years.

Privacy and security of our work is built via a series of synchronistic physical meetings, co-living and coworking hubs, strategic partnerships.

I am best at recognising and inviting most aligned individuals and organisations into our New Scene.

Most of events I organise are not announced in digital spaces. If you have landed on this page, you are invited.

Currently putting together a new crew who are top actors in curating, coaching, directing and coordinating our top players within the new narrative, building an alliance of most ambitious networks with strategic and layered transparency, powered by love.