Carefully Taking the System Apart With our Inner Collective Spellwork towards The Greatest & Highest Timeline Agreement.

What is the next global project for us all to show up as Unit of our New Life? The disintegration of the current systems to support the mindful and careful collapse that is taking place. Exploring the balance between our Masculine and Feminine qualities and showing up in Unit for Ourselves First. Once we are crystal clear as our sovereign identities in this reality, it is easier to lead the deep shift in humanity's collective consciousness from within, grounded in the light pillars of the global spiritual ascension process.

My language is still unclear for many and I gotta be ok with that. Starting with inviting voices of those who I deeply resonate with. Here are some of them:

Identity of Impact Unit Forum Talk Preview

Why You Should Be Kind To Your Computer And Smartphone Technology.

Drunvalo Deep Dives

Honestly, my energy filtering system has been so on point, that I have experienced a profound information diet where the kind of information I choose to be exposed to is kinder than the narratives we are bombarded by externally. Softness & sweetness without being fake, rooted into DEEP TRUTH is my personal expression edge that I am practicing.

Have you noticed that, sometimes, links to resources we follow speak so much more than us individually. Well, sometimes not. From the perspective of no-time-space all the information that has been created before this moment is expired. No longer relevant. It is only benefitial to tap into it for our collective review process, shedding light of what went well and was implemented into the future timelines and what contributed to our self destruction.

Generally, I am receiving a lot of informations in all forms possible. More than I ever thought it was possible before my spiritual deepening in 2017-2020. I am a channel-medium and always practiced, unconsciously and consciously, communicating with the Spirit world and informed myself about any given topic of interest directly from the source of some call Akashic Records, rather than from the filtered communication of the human consciousness. It is simply easier for me to tap into the deepest truth from the Ether, rather than feeling physically uncomfortable while being exposed to untruth or spectrum of truth that is mudded by 3D world. I have a very natural physical reaction to what is less than deepest truth I have been exposed to prior to this incarnation, and it is the universal truth that is guiding me in this realm from the tiny space of my heart, the innate inner technology that each of us have access to information from all realms and all wisdom has ever existed and will ever exist. Learning to create my life from my open heartspace where the tiny heart is the boss was the most important challenge for me to achieve in this lifetime so far. It is about being so unconditionally tuned into myself that the voice of Truth is as clear as mirror, reflecting what is actually happening in physical reality at any given point.

I admit that at times in the past I may not have been grounded enough in my body to understand what is there to be shared and what is there for me to keep to myself. You see, to me, there is no difference between public and private. I fall on the spectrum of these two concepts right in the middle and choose not to take sides. As a result, whatever I choose to share immediately becomes both public and private, depending on the medium and the audience that this piece of information is reaching. That is why playing with variety of mediums have been an interesting experience learning human consciousness through technology tools we have created to communicate our expression into the physical world. For those human beings who have not yet remembered the depths of the power we hold within our bodies and the inner technology we can choose to come back to, the years of the Great Transition might have been tiresome and heavy. For those who learned to fly, nothing outside of our spaceships may stop us from our Greater Mission on this plane of reality. And the force is clearly on our side, because where we are coming from collectively there is no side, there is only a whole. No difference between you and me, simply a diverse forms of human consciousness expressed in the given moment of reality, agreeing to share that time space continuum. Simple. 5D and above existence is that, and we are finally learning to engage in that without needing to step down into 3D for operational purposes. The energetic systems we set up by 2028 were powerful enough for us to run 3D world while completely focusing on our inner evolution process.

Building Balanced Culture, a philosophy movement in a form of the 3D concept of DAO, decentralized autonomous organization the narrative we are all eventually choosing to engage ourselves in because Culture TOUCHES everyone, requires a lot of self reflection work. In this avatar I am set to reflect. As brightly and powerfully as humanly possible at any given moment. To erflect the greatest potential for our humanity to celebrate the love we share in our new life. I focus not only on creating & collecting quantum memories for this new media leadership narrative initiative, but regenerating content that has already been created, because everything I choose to curate becomes a PRISM for our collective consciousness to see our new world through. A form of an energetic filter that is so powerfully set up and advanced in terms of its own technological infrastructures, that it is harder to explain than crypto concepts. It is beyond quantum. As I am looking at quantum computer capabilities as inspiration, I also recognize that those are simply reflecting tools we THINK we have within our own bodies, our own current states of avatars, our own spaceships we choose to play in at this given time space continuum spot. However, everything is always shifting, nothing is standing still. Quantum computing is not close to be strong enough to reflect the potential of the human consciousness. There are millions, billions, trillions timelines that are moving and weaving and shifting as we are looking for that ONE collective agreement of what is coming next for our humanity to experience in this moment in time in this given reality. And, so much is happening, how to keep track of all the storylines that are playing out? And I am not talking about the content uploaded online. I am inviting you to look deeper than what we call the internet and contemplate on the potential of technology from the perspective beyond quantum computing. A LOT is possible and it is an understatement. Everything is possible would be a more aligned way to put it.

The question is: how are we AGREEING on creating on what is to come? Because what is to come is clear and simple. Peace on Earth. Joy. Presence. Play. Abundance. Celebration. Love sharing.

Now, HOW questions unfold: How not to get lost in our collective creative process? How not to be skewed by the narrative of the forces that have no place in our vessels? How to stay motivated to move through the Dark Ages and come out of those resonating at the frequency of the fastest and most effective, dynamically balanced timelines fabric of our consciousness' production? How to keep committing to that united timeline, rather than get skewed by the natural fractalization of our human experience?

That is why the concept of time has been integrated in this plane of existence - to keep track of what´s happening and when which brought us to the place we are at now. The grand Human Consciousness restructuring process and the Great Redistribution of power among all sentient and non-sentient beings co-habitating this realm.

The HOW can be answered quite simply: NO MORE TIME. DROP TIME. LIVE NOW.

How clear is this invitation? How can I be more clear and present with you for us to agree on this initiative? How your no time creation process is going to feel like and how does that degree of freedom brings you abundance in the variety of forms you have dreamed of?

You tell me.

Please do!