Look, let's be bullet-point kind of clear from the start of this deep dive:

I have worked a lot in 2020 and 2021, I have not lived a day without what I perceived as showing up and working in all realms... until my body collapsed and asked me to deeper tune in. I am a workaholic to the degree I have rarely met in my lifetime. There is nothing that is more important to me than my work, all my relationships in life are connected to my work because my work is practicing balanced communications in all forms they turn themselves to be brought onto the surface of my life at any given moment in time. I have no friends, only tribe members and co-creators. Friendship is a weird concept for me from the very beginning of my life, as I simply chose to be present with anyone who shows up in physical and resonates as truth in my body, those are the ones I chose to interact at any given moment in time. Keeping in touch is an effort for me, it is a form of work I had to learn to let go of to find my deeper sense of Self and Practice Inner Balance. That has to do with diving deeply in the body and finding all answers to my life within it rather than seeking for advice outside of me. Every time I asked for advice in 2020 and in 2021 outside of me, I have been deeply disappointed, discouraged and even parts of me have been killed, as the kinds of advice or rather reflection I received was so far away from the reality I have been set to manifest. I do not believe psychics, astrologers and channelers. I simply believe in the fact that if we choose to be very very careful in the process of curation of our inner circle, we are able to be clear headed and balanced enough to NOT ask for advice outside of us, and rather simply channel our truth and see what happens at any given moment with interactions we choose to engage ourselves in daily. Personally, I have not met anyone in my life yet who would see and appreciate my deep devotion and reflection work I chose to experience this lifetime so far, and the work I have been doing on Newlife is a good example of my stages of experimentation, balancing act and boundaries pushing in terms of interdimensional communications from the future's perspective. If you have not yet been exposed to any of my Newlife work, it is OK because the content there is completely timeless and quantum, thus not everyone is energetically ready to receive those kinds of info codes into their system. I communicate energetically more than I communicate physically. This is my truth, my edge, my way of being in service in this reality at the time we are collectively experiencing on this plane of existence. For the safety of our humanity, the kinds of communications I am engaged in are so deeply rooted to the collective unconscious and subconscious, that is safer to keep them there until one is ready to tap onto the wisdom of what is being communicated on the interdimensional level. By interdimensional, I mean directly that: non-linear, channeled, energy-driven communications of collective Truth from the perspective of the Greatest, Highest Timeline for our Balanced State of Humanity by 2028 and beyond.

Why 2028? Because we have less than 7 years to make it as humanity to regenerate ourselves and really embody life on the New Earth. The New Earth being that: the new iteration of our shared reality on this plane of existence where every living being is operating in accordance to their Higher Purpose, expressed in deep creation process of being the living bridge towards the next level of human consciousness.

New Media is the way for our collective search for Truth, beyond Web3. In Balanced Culture DAO, we are the igniters of the New Media. We are communications masters who deeply care about exploring what Balance feels to us individually and how it is manifested in our lives from the perspective of the New Earth, where there is a collective Agreement reached on which timeline we are choosing to manifest our dream lives from. We are inviting you to be part of the Story of Humanity where each of us shows up in their most balanced version of Self at any given moment, operating in 3D with the deep routing into 5D and above realms. 3D being the current state of the life according to the agreement of our collective consciousness, 5D being the state of being in the Heartspace, so present and precise, tuned in and balanced, experiencing this reality from the perspective it was designed to be experienced: multidimensional, wholistic and pure. In order to reach the level of purity I am open to tolerate the full on connection to our body which guides us to our unique expression of this avatar in our shared reality is the key here. That is the heartspace living embodied, where we acknowledge every sentient and non-sentient being as an expression of Truth, recognizing our own reflection in everything that we expose ourselves with, powered by the collective agreement for the Greatest, Highest Timeline for ALL.

Why it is time to to explore New Media of that degree? Because old media is expired. Noone fully trusts media anymore, and those channels that present themselves as media are bound by the great censorship that is implemented on the Internet. Many of us by now only follow several key people in our lives as a source of information window into 3D world, while creating in our own new reality, while transitioning away from the old systems across all industries. The general narrative is shifting as we as humans awaken deeper to what is actually happening on the Planet Earth right now.

By New Media, I mean multidimensional media. Media that lives on variety of different levels of human consciousness, meeting a unit of audience at the point that audience is ready to receive the piece of data that is shared. It is not focused on the Internet in its current form and even thought it is spread across of what we agreed to call Web3, or a more decentralized layer of the Internet, it it still much greater than that stage. It is physical, emotional, mental and energetic, just like our own natural way of existence in many realms simultaneously. Beyond digital, far beyond it! Digital is a tool for training in telepathy.

So far, in my experience, Web3 dialogs are contaminated by the collective pain of broken masculine, deep suffering of the ignored, left behind feminine, cruel ego games, cliquey, almost cult-like environments, very low quality of artistic expression contaminated by extreme pain of the collective and 3D, money-driven points of action. I have travelled across the world within the past years to attend key narratives creation events around the Web3 and have personally encountered with the following: abuse of power, lack of physical security, lack of love and balance, wounded masculine-driven approach to creation, consistent harassment and inappropriate communications, manipulation & even touch without consent as a being in the feminine body in pools of mostly masculine-embodied humans who are severely deprived of loving touch and deep intimacy. It is tough out there. I tried to integrate these experiences and move on co-creating the narrative of Web3 community, yet I feel like I am betraying myself if I am not open about such experiences that deeply affected my unconscious and subconscious, no matter how strongly I feel in my conscious expression. After months of conferences and engaging in learning about and participating in the Web3 community, my body collapsed, I felt like I have experienced a rebirthing process, as my illusions of what we are building as technologists and futurists have dissipated and the truth has been unveiled so clearly. And the truth is simple: we cannot possibly build healthy systems for the New Earth from the point of view of brokenness, un-balance of our own inner masculine and feminine and unprocessed collective trauma. I wish all masculine embodied beings stopped working now, lost access to all their work files, teams and the Internet, went within, and let the FEMININE voices to take over the process of clearing, truth-channeling, leadership of balance, rest and regeneration. That would be an interesting pole shift to observe, donĀ“t you think so? And no it does not count if you have a feminine-embodied human on your team or as your partner. I see a curious timeline when EVERY MALE is SILENT, listening and the BALANCED FEMININE fully takes over the creation process.