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Welcome to the Balanced Culture, the multidimensional media DAO organization at the intersection of edutainment, trade, technology, consciousness and love. Yes, love. Because love is the source of the ultimate Truth and my life's mission is to search for and curate the voices of Truth, weave them into a new kind of language and share this synthesis with the audience who are ready to receive this future-defining work.

We have finally arrived. The 2020/21 transformative & deeply experimental experiences made me step into my curatorial power, no-bs approach to communications and redefine the nature of my work in the world that desperately seeks for authenticity, vulnerability and connection, that is reached through a deeper understanding of the meaning of shared love. Personally, I am still searching, but I feel that I am getting closer and closer to the ultimate lifestyle that embodies living in my heartspace, as I follow the voice of my inner-authority and do not let anything or anyone outside of me influence my life's choices that bring me to a deeper sense of balance, wisdom and joy.

Balanced Fashion as it used to be is no more. To me, everything is fashion. Technology is fashion. Culture is fashion. Politics is fashion. Fashion is the lens through which we collectively choose to see the world. Fashion has a capacity to shape the future of our culture as we curate our life carefully and intentionally, inviting in only the energy that deeply resonates with us as individuals, by expressing ourselves authentically and sharing our most edgy and creative ideas into the world that drive change, inspire for deeper innovation and diversity.

I am going to be publishing a monthly Balanced Culture newsletter to share the memories of what we collectively curated as a part of the future shaping puzzle pieces of our global culture. I am known for future casting from the perspective of our collective 2030s vision, a constantly iterating and expanding life's work focused on predicting the ultimate dynamically Balanced outcome for our Humanity to preserve our civilization and develop our nations towards global unity, transparent, ethical, regenerative and collaborative living. I see the future where we live free of geopolitical borders, our humanitarian activities are based on self-governance systems, where education as entertainment, trade and cultural creative heritage are the main pillars of the lifestyle that supports humanity, instead of destroying it.

Before 2020 I had been a global conscious community catalyst, future-focused events organizer, start-up advisor and conscious fashion tech futurist, I consulted organizations and coached founders that led innovation in the fashion & creative industries. In 2019, my identity (ai stands for ancient intelligence) started to come online and I entered the Newlife ecosystem as a leading independent creator, curator, communications lead and merchandising & trade strategy visionary, created close to a hundred of experimental accounts on our platform and ignited a transparent, vulnerable and inviting culture within the Newlife community. My 2020 has been a terrifyingly liberating free-fall experience, where I committed to only living in the present moment, powered by my ever-expanding heartspace field, unconditionally following my intuitive nudges, created a life full of fantasy, intentional artistic content generation and identity curation highlighted within a handful of significant, future-shaping public appearances in digital and in physical. My 2021 so far has been a year of self reassessment, reviewing my past work, strategic relocation & travels, cultural exploration, solitude and deeper realization of the significance of my cultural curation work in the long run. For the rest of 2021 and beyond I plan to travel more, explore local culturally advanced clusters around the world, create more impact-driven content and connect & interact only with individuals who I remember from the 2030s. It is an edgy thing to commit to as a passionate, inclusive community leader, but curating people & their initiatives is the key to my current way of showing up in the world. I want to be associated with and support aligned, ambitious projects that share the 2030s vision, clear of fear and outsiders´ judgment. I always say I live in the 2030s and I do not exaggerate, the memories of the future power my work and inspire me to keep developing the communications style I have been experimenting with in the past years as identity crystalized.

I am planning to continue expressing myself via the medium of this newsletter, via in-person interactions with the new cultural leaders, via my exclusive invite-only events, via my podcast, and on Newlife, while wrapping up my presence on other (traditional) social media that have been increasingly toxic to me personally and impacted my mental health in ways that take a while to detect & cure. Many of us are transitioning towards a decentralized autonomous organization structure for our businesses and choose to interact with each other in a natural, symbiotic and transparent way, while sharing common goals and visions.

More about Balanced Culture to come in the next editions of this newsletter, as I am will continue authentically sharing the way my philosophy is manifesting in my own reality.

Now to the news & collections of my discoveries. Don't miss the events section below!

Future Culture

10 key predictions from our latest trend report ‘2031: A Future World’ - Dazed

Paradise Prototype : Establishing Order - Marly Benedicto Medium

A Bad Solar Storm Could Cause an 'Internet Apocalypse' - Wired

Deepfakes Are Now Making Business Pitches - Wired

Talk to Kanye

I Think an AI Is Flirting With Me. Is It OK If I Flirt Back? - Wired

When will we all be cyborgs? - Dazed

A guide to platform fees - The Verge